Our Company-3AB Media

As industry insiders, we understand the difficulties of staying ahead in today’s competitive market. At 3AB Media, our aim is to make sure you stand out and get noticed with measurable results that help drive your success forward.

Who We Are, Everyday

We specialize in the creative process, and make your ideas become reality.

mission statement

Drawing on our commitment to excellence, 3AB Media ensures each and every client is treated with uncompromising focus. The best services delivered in a manner that honours your company's unique needs.


With a passion for getting results, we motivate ourselves to find the best answers and solutions. Our innovative problem-solving approach enables us to deliver unbeatable engagement levels and improved productivity every time!

Creative Process

The creative process involves critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The process goes through five steps: preparation, incubation, illumination, evaluation and verification.


At 3AB Media, we don't just think of the internet as a tool for increasing business. We tap into our creative resources to listen and understand your Pharmacy's unique target-audience--transforming that audience's potential into actionable plans that satisfy both short-term and long-term success.

Our Service Areas

We serve both the digital and traditional marketing arenas with proven and tested tools and insights.

Effective Videos and Digital Content
Content Creation
Traditional Marketing

Our Team

Our team of specialized professionals in the creative processes will make your dreams become reality.

Barry Booth, MBA

Vice President-Creative
Barry has over 20 years experience in the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industries and another 7 years in the laser eye surgery arena. He has worked with the largest Medical Clinics, Hospitals & Pharmacies across Canada. Barry talks your language - he understands your pain - he knows your problems - and appreciates your day-to-day struggles because he’s seen it firsthand. He knows how to write in a manner that is based on his vast experience, conveying the message your Pharmacy wants to put out there, whether it is blogs on your website to Posts on your Social Media.

3AB Media is uniquely qualified to help your company’s needs, problems and pains. Let’s get started today