Consistency Is the Key to Your Marketing Success

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For growing business owners who have a true passion for making their towns better places, 3AB Media is your partner in success. Don’t think you can’t compete with the big box stores; many consumers would prefer to support local businesses! But that doesn’t mean they know about yours or will come through your door – so the key to staying ahead of the game and showing off what makes you unique? Consistency is vital – so keep that front door open, and invite potential customers in by continually showing them you are around and ready for their support. You can be successful if you stay focused.

So don’t be convinced that you can’t compete. Truth be known, most consumers would instead support you, the local person, then the big box stores. But how do you get those people to come in your front door? It’s not rocket science – it’s consistency. Whatever marketing and advertising you’re doing, the number one rule is – DON’T STOP.

My favourite example is the big fast food chains. Who do you think was number one back in the day? Most would say Mcdonald’s because that’s who consistently has their brand out there. But back in the day, it was A&W. They got complacent and stopped advertising, which allowed their competition to take over.

Number 1 by a mile, someone up on high decided they didn’t need to market or advertise anymore because who was going to take their title away – so they virtually stopped selling their brand – and who swooped in. That’s right – Mcdonald’s and A&W have been playing catch up ever since.

The moral of the story is – BE CONSISTENT. It doesn’t matter where you start as long as you start – and don’t stop. It’s called market share, and you want to maintain and grow it!

3AB Media’s team of marketers will help you create a consistent message that will break through the clutter. Whether it’s web development, SEO or Pay Per Click Ads, our goal is to get your message out there most effectively.

3AB Media is a full-service marketing and advertising agency intending to help small business owners succeed. With our team of experienced professionals, we create custom campaigns that bring results. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your business! We’re here to help you grow!

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