2 Golden Reasons Why People Buy

I learnt something from a good friend and the person I gleaned this marketing/advertising nugget from – Dennis Chopko of Killing Herb Inc. (he helps businesses worldwide improve their sales and sales teams). And I’m sure he gleamed it from somewhere else; nonetheless, it is an unbreakable truth, and both are Golden Rules.


There are two reasons people buy. They are ‘To Fill A Need’ or ‘Solve a Problem.’ It is sometimes to ‘Take Advantage Of an Opportunity,’ but this goes back to the first two. It just speeds up the decision process of the buyer.


This rule applies to EVERYBODY. NO EXCEPTIONS. 🙂 Whether you are a Billionaire or near flat broke, anything you buy or have bought goes back to these two Golden Rules.


If you don’t believe me look at the things you have. I guarantee you that all you have is to fill a need or solve a problem. Ladies have many shoes, but I guarantee they solve problems or fulfill needs. I liken this to myself. I have three sets of Golf Clubs, which served a need. Unfortunately, they didn’t solve the problem, lol.


So as a business person, the next time you’re thinking of what you should be marketing/advertising – the one question you need to ask to get results is – What needs do my products fill for my customers, and what problems do they solve for the same people? That’s how you’re going to connect to your next sale!

Next time I’d like to help you with why what you’ve been trying to help your bottom line needs to be fixed. 3AB Media, a Digital Agency specializing in SEO, will gladly help you. 3AB Media can show you what needs to be done and how it should be fixed, so you can return to making more sales and increasing profit margins. 3AB Media’s team of experienced professionals is ready to help you succeed! Contact 3AB Media today for a free consultation. Let 3AB Media start helping you fill your business need or solve your problem today!

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